Worlds Affair Council , San Francisco, California
Right: Sophia Bekele wih H.E. David Mohlomi Rantekoa, Embassy of the Kingdom of Lesotho, Washington DC, - Through the use multilateral bodies to ensure that developing countries' voices are heard on international issues, the South African government has played a key role in seeking an end to various conflicts and political crises on the African continent. In Lesotho, women have made great strides in the political arena since independence. In a recent election, women made of 53% of the victorious candidates

Left: H.E. Welile A. W. Nhlapo, from South Africa Embassy, Washington DC, also stationed in Addis Ababa Ethiopia in the past - Having emerged from the international isolation of the apartheid era, South Africa has become an important international actor with the objective to promote the economic, political, and cultural regeneration of Africa.-
Left: H.E. Welile A. W. Nhlapo, from South Africa Embassy, Washington DC, also stationed in Addis Ababa Ethiopia in the past - Having emerged from the international isolation of the apartheid era, South Africa has become an important international actor with the objective to promote the economic, political, and cultural regeneration of Africa.-