Africa will speak with one voice at the G 20 meeting to start Today in London, said the African Union Wednesday in a statement. "A common African position and touchable recommendations tell about Africa's decision weigh in the international issues", says the statement. The 53 member
countries of the African Union have come up with a common position following a series of meetings. Africa united at the G 20.
Africa will be represented by an AU delegation headed by Prime Minister Meles Zenawi of Ethiopia, also Chair of New Economic Partership for African Develoment (NEPAD and the President of the AU commission Jean Ping. The global economic crisis originating out of Africa is expected to severely affect the continent. The global downturn is threatening to undo economic progress achieved by African countries and damage their exporting capacities by some $50 billion in 2008-2009, according to AU figures.
El Moudjahid Wed, 01 Apr 2009 15:14 PM PDT
Other sources: Inter Press: Global Issues -

Africa will be represented by an AU delegation headed by Prime Minister Meles Zenawi of Ethiopia, also Chair of New Economic Partership for African Develoment (NEPAD and the President of the AU commission Jean Ping. The global economic crisis originating out of Africa is expected to severely affect the continent. The global downturn is threatening to undo economic progress achieved by African countries and damage their exporting capacities by some $50 billion in 2008-2009, according to AU figures.
El Moudjahid Wed, 01 Apr 2009 15:14 PM PDT
Other sources: Inter Press: Global Issues -