The extraordinary conference of African Union (AU) ministers in charge of Communication and Information Technologies (CITMC) held in Johannesburg, South Africa, adopted the
Oliver Tambo Declaration, on 6 November 2009. The African Union held this extraordinary session in preparation for the 2010 AU Summit dedicated to Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs)
to be held in January 2010 in Ethiopia under the theme "Information and Communications Technologies in Africa: Challenges and Prospects for Development". The ministerial conference ended with the adoption (with amendments) of the Oliver Tambo Declaration, Johannesburg 2009 which lays out commitments by AU Member States in the development of ICT, recommendations for the way forward and directives for the African Union to follow up. The AU ICT session served as a consolidating forum for the ministers of Communications to present to the heads of state and government a common view on ICT development in Africa.
The meeting sought consensus on harmonizing policy, legal and regulatory frameworks at regional and continental level to create an enabling environment to attract investment and foster sustainable development of competitive ICT markets in the continent,