7 March 2010 Nairobi: International Women's Day - DCA's Director featured on Carol Mandi's show

A forum "talking about Glass Celling, Myth or Reality", on NTV.

Njeri Rionge, a Board Director at DotConnectAfrica featured, as one of Nairobi's power independent women, on the very popular Carol Mandi's show, Sunday, on NTV of Nairobi discussing the role of women and the topic of glass ceiling, in recognition of International Women's day!

Njeri responded "It is important that the Challenges will be there. Every single women have to decide their path. If there is a superficial glass ceiling, you need to look somewhere to look for your opportunities". She added, "you need to be mentored", Njeri said responding to the audience's Q on how to overcome the glass ceiling" It is good to identify with someone you call as a mentor" continued Njeri "You need to have that conversation" which seem to be her motto when she speaks to all of us and at her Exec coaching work at "Ignite consulting".
DCA wishes all women a
Happy International Women's day!