The generation.africa internship means I have to
visit the internet regularly and whenever I do that, I get to discover
cool and new gadgets on the internet that make me want to stay longer.
About the yes2dotAfrica campaigns, the areas that I am mostly concentrating on are the educational clubs and friends.
Throughout the course of my internship as a generation.african, I’ve
been learning more about what it means to be a product presenter. One
of the main tasks of the job is keeping your eyes and ears open for
what students consider cool to do or hear, then making them concrete
by planning on what I am going to say during my next presentation. One
has to go out and find projects, rather than waiting for them to be
assigned to you. This system has the advantage of ensuring people
work on something that interests them, and that they feel more
ownership and investment in its success. This creates a culture of
initiative and self-direction extends throughout the entire campaign
program. Every generation.africa intern and every team sets their
goals for what they plan to accomplish that at the start of the week,
complete with a measurable definition of success (key results).
Performance reviews take into account not only how well you achieved
your goals, but also how ambitious those goals were.
By dotafrica intern, Liz Orembo