DotConnectAfrica Trust being an independent, non-profit and non-partisan organization that is based in
Nairobi Kenya and a Stakeholder in the Internet development and also
an new gTLD of the applicant “.africa” string. We are an organization
whose main charitable objects are: for the advancement of education
in information technology to the African society; and in connection with to
provide the African society with a continental Internet domain name to
have access to Internet services for the people of Africa as a purpose
beneficial to the public in general.
Among the minimum issues that
Internet community worldwide expected to be wisely managed are that WCIT would
steer clear of the Internet governance and content and that there would be
proper balance of all voices to no avail despite the assurances of the ITU
Secretary General.
The intensity at which the proposals
touched on the internet threatens the very existence of this diverse and free
resource. DotConnectAfrica observes the involvement of the Multistakeholder
approach in all internet related issues and encourages that it must be adopted
if the continued thriving of the internet is to be upheld.
DCA encourages that any other
discussions that concerning internet governance must be properly managed ,
organized and facilitated in a manner that will not endanger the gains that
have been achieved at the expense of a few.