During a briefing he gave to journalists today at the conclusion of his visit to
Ethiopia Ambassador Kirk said, “I am here because Ethiopia is a key U.S. trading partner in Africa. I am also here because Ethiopia’s story is emblematic of U.S. engagement with all of Africa on trade and development. We have seen progress. ....And we can see the fruits of U.S.
Photo: Amb. Kirk with the DotAfrica Team
efforts to build trade capacity here. Yet, challenges remain.” He said, “we must work together to build trade capacity here and across sub-Saharan Africa. We must work to become full partners in the global trading sy
"African nations are some of the most important trading partners for U.S. companies," said Scott Eisner, executive director of the Chamber's Africa Business Initiative. "In addition to commercial interests, we cannot forget the geopolitical importance of countries such as Ethiopia.
Photo: Scott Eisner and Ms. Sophia Bekele