Currently there exists over 21 gTLD’s with the most common being .com and .org, Africa submitted 17 gTLDs a number that was rated as the lowest among the regions that applied, USA took the largest number with over 800 applications, mostly which were brands. Among these African domains 2 went for the continental geographic domain DotAfrica and evaluation is expected to show which organizations may proceed, all depends on the guidebook.
ICANN 45 also comes as the first ever meeting under the helm of the new ICANN chief Mr. Fade Chahade who took over recently from his predecessor Mr. Rod Beckstrom. Mr. Chahade has taken over with several great moves within his reach in a manner to restructure operations within ICANN under his watch, some of the Changes have affected several offices, a matter suggesting a stamp in authority and a new strategy all together.
Many delegates attending the ICANNN 45 at Toronto are waiting with baited breath to see and to listen to Mr. Chahade make his maiden speech as in charge of the internet body. The meeting also comes at a time when the World is preparing to present several changes that are keen to alter the existing ITR’s under the ITU, these moves have sparked several interesting reactions with the African delegates objecting the ETNO proposals.
Some of the topics that are expected to attract interesting debates include New gTLD Update for Applicants with which ICANN, ICANN Staff will provide updates on new gTLD application evaluation progress, application comments, the clarifying question pilot, EBERO, applicant support, customer service, and communications, Trademark Clearinghouse Implementation which will provide an update on the status of the Trademark Clearinghouse implementation.
Other interesting topics include : Batching/Metering of New gTLD Applications where Kurt Pritz, Chief of Strategy, will present the batching/metering solution proposed to the ICANN Board, Uniform Rapid Suspension that is intended to provide rapid relief to trademark holders for the most clear-cut cases of infringement; it is intended to complement the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP). And Universal Acceptance of All TLDs Universal Acceptance of All Top-Level Domains is an ongoing effort within ICANN dedicated to raising awareness of issues relating to ensuring that all domain names work correctly in software on the Internet.
DotConnectAfrica will endeveour to bring you updates accordingly and as they arise from the wide consultations and discussions that will occur, See you at Toronto